1. Download the latest iD software
Head to our website for the latest version of our iD Mixer:
Run the downloaded file and drag the app into your Applications folder when prompted in order to install it.
2. Connect iD14
Using the USB cable provided, connect iD14 to your computer’s USB port.
3. Status LED
Once connected to your computer and powered on, the white USB LED on iD14 will illuminate. If at any time the status LED turns off during normal operation please check all connections and if further problems develop, please contact Audient support.
4. Check connectivity
To ensure iD14 has been detected by your computer and correct clocking sources are set-up, navigate to:
Macintosh HD > Applications > System Preferences
Check that iD14 is set as your i/o device. It’s also recommended to disable system sounds.
5. Open the iD Mixer
Run the iD software. It will appear as an icon in the Menu bar of macOS. Click on this and select “Show Mixer”.