There are a number of settings and setups that can cause audio and connectivity issues with your Audient device on Windows. Please check out the steps below in order to ensure your system is set up correctly for use with an audio device.
Avoid the use of a USB hub if possible as sometimes this can interfere with the communication between the audio interface and computer. We'd recommend connecting directly (via USB) to the computer if possible. If you are using a USB hub, what make and model of hub are you using? I would also recommend trying a new USB cable under 2 meters with some different USB ports.
There are also some power settings that can cause dropouts and the device not to be seen by your computer. To adjust these, go to Control Panel > Hardware & Sound > Power Options
Now ensure you have selected the Highest Performance Plan.
Next to this, click Change Plan Settings > Change Advanced Settings. Here Ensure that USB selective Suspend is Disabled and that Hybrid Sleep is disabled as per below:
Finally, find PCI EXPRESS > Link state Power Management and set too off.
Click Apply and Okay to store these settings.
If you're still having issues with your device after applying these settings please reach out to our team who will be happy to support you further.