To improve our accessibility features within the iD and EVO apps, we have improved features which make navigation within the app easier if using a screen reader or narration software.
These introduce "Containers" and "Components"; a container is an entire channel strip (or 2 if using stereo linking) and contains all of the channel controls such as pan, solo, mute and level which are components within the container.
To navigate through containers you can use "CTRL + TAB" and to navigate backwards "CTRL + TAB + SHIFT."
Once you have selected the container you are looking to adjust, you can then use "TAB" or "SHIFT + TAB" to reverse direction to select the component you wish to adjust. Once a component is selected, the naming convention will dynamically change i.e. the pan will be named "MIC 1 pan" or in stereo mode "MIC 1+2 left pan".
Once a fader, or pan knob is in focus you can increase and decrease this via the arrow keys. You can either use the "Up" and "Down" keys, or the "Left and Right" keys to incrementally increase or decrease this value.
Mono/stereo button, solo, mute and phantom power options are all controlled via pressing the "ENTER" key once the component is in focus.
- The main screenreader can be turned on in Windows (Settings -> Accessibility -> Narrator or Windows + CTRL + ENTER) and on Mac (System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Voice Over or CMD + F5). This main screen reader will announce every component on every application when it is in focus.
- To adjust the volume of the built in announcer, open the windows mixer and adjust the volume of the EVO app too a suitable level. The announcer must be active and outputting to adjust the volume.
Audient community members, Tobi Barth, and Scott Chesworth have made a video here that goes through these options. You can find that below.
- The main screen reader can be turned on in Windows (Settings -> Accessibility -> Narrator or Windows + CTRL + ENTER) and on Mac (System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Voice Over or CMD + F5). This main screen reader will announce every component on every application when it is in focus.
- The other screen reader voice should only be activated when the main screen reader is turned on This screen reader will only announce components or actions within the Audient application. It also announces when you change settings from the device. Such as gain changes or phantom power being turned on when you have the app running. This can be controlled in volume via CTRL+ SHIFT (+ / -)
Keyboard Shortcuts
Function | Mac | Windows | Description |
Container Navigation | Cmd (⌘) + Tab | Shift + Tab | Move to next container |
Container Navigation | Cmd (⌘) + Tab + Ctrl | Shift + Tab + Ctrl | Move to previous container |
Component Navigation | Tab | Tab | Move to next component |
Component Navigation | Shift + Tab | Shift + Tab | Move to previous component |
Button | Enter | Enter | Press button |
Fader/Pan | Right arrow key / up arrow key | Right arrow key / up arrow key | Increase value |
Fader/Pan | Left Arrow key / Down Arrow key | Left Arrow key / Down Arrow key | Decrease Value |
Fader | Alt (⌥) + Click | Alt + Click | Resets fader to unity gain (0 dB) |
Pan | Alt (⌥) + Click | Alt + Click | Resets pan pots to central position |
Solo | Cmd (⌘) + Click | Ctrl + Click |
Clears all solos if clicking on a solo’d Overrides all other solos (solo |
Meters | Alt (⌥) + Click | Alt + Click | Clicking on peak hold indicator will clear all clip indicators |
File | Cmd (⌘) + S | Ctrl + S | Save mixer configuration |
File | Cmd (⌘) + O | Ctrl + O | Load mixer configuration |
View | Cmd (⌘) + 1 | Ctrl + 1 | View Mic/Line Inputs |
View | Cmd (⌘) + 2 | Ctrl + 2 | View Optical (Digital) Inputs |
View | Cmd (⌘) + 3 | Ctrl + 3 | View DAW Mix Inputs |
View | Cmd (⌘) + 4 | Ctrl + 4 | View System Panel |
Announcement Volume (app only) | Ctrl + Shift + (plus key) | Ctrl + Shift + (plus key) | Increase Announcement Volume |
Announcement Volume (app only) | Ctrl + Shift + (minus key) | Ctrl + Shift + (minus key) | Decrease Announcement Volume |