To allow you to easily calibrate your room and get the optimal listening experience from your setup, ORIA ships with a calibrated SoundiD Reference measurement microphone and a 60-day free trial of Sound ID Reference for Multichannel. You can use these to create calibration profiles for your ORIA and apply accurate room correction.
However, at the end of the 60-day trial period, any calibration profiles that were made through SoundID Reference for Multichannel will be made inactive and can no longer be used with your ORIA.
Please note that this only affects profiles that have been made through SoundID Reference for Multichannel; manual calibration profiles will not be affected.
If you wish to continue using these profiles after the 60-day trial period, you'll need to purchase a license for SoundID Reference for Multichannel through the Sonarworks Website
Once you have purchased the license, you'll just need to re-import your calibration profiles from SoundID Reference into ORIA to replace the ones that were made inactive. You do not need to carry out another measurement to do this as your calibration curves will be saved by SoundID Reference.