This is normal whenever you change sample rate or open a project with a different sample rate to the one you are currently using. It is caused by the DACs resyncing to your new sample rate and normally happens for a second or two before stabilising.
The clicking shouldn't be loud enough to damage your speakers providing that you have the sensitivity set correctly. You can avoid the clicking by switching off your speakers as you open projects.
If you have a sample rate that you work in most of the time it could be worth changing the default sample rate of your computer so that it isn’t changing the sample rate so often.
- On a PC (with the iD14 selected as the computer’s sound source) this can be done by right clicking on the small speaker icon in the system tray and then clicking on the image of the speaker that pops up. This takes you to the Windows soundcard settings menu. You want to navigate to “Advanced” and then change the default sample rate to the one that you are using.
- On a Mac (with the iD14 again selected as the computer source) open “Audio MIDI Setup”. When it opens make sure that it is the Audio window that you are looking, if not go to Window then select Show Audio Window. Here check that the sample rate for the iD14 is set to the correct sample rate (and if it is not then change it).