How do I return the mixer to its default state?
To reset the mixer application, QUIT the app (don't just close the window) and then navigate to the iD folder and delete the "state.xml" file (it will replenish upon a fresh launch and closure of the application, storing your default setup):
On Mac OS:
Open the Go menu and hold the ALT key on your keyboard > Library > Application Support > Audient > iD > state.xml
On Windows:
(C:) > Users > yourusername > AppData > Roaming > Audient > iD > state.xml
To access "AppData":
- On Windows 7 - Go to "Organise" and click "Folder and search options", in the following window navigate to the "View" tab and make sure that " Show hidden files, folders and drives" is selected.
- On Windows 8. 8.1 & 10 - Go to "View" and make sure than "Show Hidden Items" is selected.
N.B. Be sure NOT to delete the parent folder (iD) as this will also delete all your iD mixer presets.