Faderlink Setup
Faderlink is an simple and elegant solution to the problem or integrating analogue console automation within digital audio workstation projects. The solution is a 64 bit AAX/VST/AU/RTAS plugin, that connects up to your Audient console via MIDI ports. Faderlink presents you with a Fader and Cut switch which can be automated in the same way as any other plugin parameter in your workstation. ASP2802 and ASP8024-DLC users also get the added bonus of the scribble strips which allows you name your analogue channels.
To get up and running with Faderlink:
- Click here to get the plugin installers
- Open up the zip (Windows) or dmg (Mac)
- Close your Digital Audio Workstation applications
- Double click on the installer and follow the onscreen instructions
- Once complete relaunch your DAW
- On ASP2802 and ASP8024-DLC set the 'Analogue Automation Mode' to 'Faderlink' in the first page of the console setup menu
- Insert the plugin on a channel strip
- Selecting a channel that outputs to the channel on the console that you want to automate makes sense, but you can insert it anywhere in the project.
- When the Faderlink window pops up select the model
- For ASP2802 and ASP8024-DLC users this will automatically configure the MIDI ports if the console is connected correctly
- For Zen select the MIDI inputs and outputs for your system - (channels 1-8 are the first port 9-16 the second)
- Enter the console channel number you want to automate
- Automate!
* Scribble strip functionality not available on Zen.