We are pleased to announce the iD4 is now fully compatible with Steinberg's Cubasis LE on iOS. In order to unlock the full feature set of Cubasis LE you must first download Cubasis LE 2.2 or later.
Set up is a breeze! First open Cubasis LE and then hook up the iD4 to your iOS device using a powered USB hub and the Apple Camera Connection Kit. You will need to use a powered USB hub as the iPad does not supply sufficient power for the iD4. In the below video, our product specialist Harry shows you how to connect the iD4 to an iPad:
your iD4 will be automatically selected by Cubasis as the audio device when you plug it in. However you can check that the iD4 is connected by going to Setup > Audio and looking at the Audio Device section. If the iD4 is selected it will look like below:
If you are having any issues with connecting your iD4 to the iPad, please contact support@audient.com
If you are having issues with Cubasis LE app, please get in contact with Steinberg Support: www.helpcenter.steinberg.de